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Yucca elephantipes




Place your Yucca near a window or in an area that gets plenty of natural light throughout the day.

Light Requirements

Light Requirements

The Yucca will grow best in bright light in order for her leaves to stay a bright hue. She needs full, direct sunlight for most of the day.

Watering Needs

Watering Needs

Water when soil has dried out completely, about once every ten days. Water with fresh water lightly and slowly from above then tip out any excess water. Be sure not to overwater.

Temperature Preferences

Temperature Preferences

Does well in warm weather but can adapt to temperatures as low as 35° and as high as 90°.

Humidity Tolerance

Humidity Tolerance

Tolerates lower levels of humidity, around 30-35%.

Repotting Needs

Repotting Needs

The plant can live happily in the provided pot for up to 2 years. Check if the plant is ready to be repotted by touching the soil and seeing if it has become loose. Repot using a rich, well-draining potting soil, or a mixture of sand and peat. Repot every 2 years in the Spring.

Unhealthy Plant Signs

Unhealthy Plant Signs

Browning leaf tips surrounded by a yellow halo are a sign of overwatering. Monitor your Yucca plant carefully, as drooping stems, wilting leaves and yellowing could all indicate either too much water, or not enough water. Yellowing leaves can also indicate poor sunlight.



If ingested, may cause a harmful reaction in pets.

Yucca Yucca - Ansel & Ivy Yucca - Ansel & Ivy Yucca - Ansel & Ivy Yucca Yucca - Ansel & Ivy Yucca
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